Thursday, April 14, 2011

Secret Symbols (Taking it Underground)

Ok. This post is legit. I'm so recycling this post. Like, our 118th post on this blog, when we have millions of readers nationwide and a book deal (hint, hint), will be a recycled version of this post. It's THAT legit.

So I work at the airport. I see a lot of people there. The other day I saw a guy with a Summit Ministries t-shirt on. Here are the thoughts that went through my head:
1. Whoa. This guy's from Summit Ministries. They're legit. This guy's a legit Christian. He's probably gonna evangelize to me right now.
2. Why isn't he evangelizing to me?
3. Why am I not evangelizing to him?
4. Did I just Jesus Juke myself?
5. I wish there was some secret hand sign or some secret symbol so I could let him know I'm a Christian too. To let him know I'm a "brother-frum-another-mother", if you will. Or if he will. What?

So yeah. That's how it went. I think I said something like, "nice shirt" and he mumbled something like, "What? oh, uh, thanks." No prayer, no revival, no baptisms or mass evangelism, or even speaking in tongues. But, hey, he was a brother. And I knew it. And he knew it. Cool.

So what are some symbols we Christians can use so we can stand out to each other in the crowd? Why aren't we so filled with the Holy Spirit that we stand out in the crowd anyway? (oops. That's another post) So here some symbols we can have:

1. The "I Love You" sign language sign.
This one's pretty simple. You hold you hand out and curl your middle and ring fingers, leaving your thumb, pointer finger, and pinky extended. I think it's a hybrid of the sign language letters I, L, and U (go figure). I don't know why this particulare sign is "Christian", but it is. Maybe I just hang out with too many people from Deaf Missions and not enough deaf people. This sign is deceptively like the "rock on" or worse, "Go Texas Longhorns." (I just lost 5% of my readers with that crack) The key is the thumb. That way, if you flash it to non-christians they'll just think, "Huh? Oh, uh, rock on. Go Longhorns." But if you flash it to a Christian you can just call each other siblings of God and greet one another with a holy kiss then and there.

2. The Chi Rho.
This is a wierd one. Sorta. The Chi Rho (Key-Roe) are the greek letters for "Christ". It's basically and X and a P on top of each other. I think you could be creative with this one, but this would be a symbol you'd wear. Maybe like a pin, or a necklace. Or earrings. Or all of them. Non-christians will call it "blingy-bling." But we'll know better. It's so much more. Plus you'll get bonus points during the holiday season when you can explain what the X in X-mas REALLY means (Oh, devil, you can TRY to secularize Christmas with your demonic little elves, but we will FIND away around it).

But when I think of this idea of secret symbols and how I wish we had them, I'm struck by three thoughts:

1. Are non-christians going to copy these? Like, will they notice all the "cool" people are wearing these symbols and will copy them in an attempt to be "cool" too? Am I starting a trend with this? Ooh. Will this be "the Mark" for Christians like in Revelations? Am I single-handedly kick-starting the end times? How square feet in my heavenly mansion did I just lose for thinking that last sentance?

2. Christians used to have a secret symbol. In ancient Rome, when Christians were persecuted, they would use the Ichthys, or fish symbol, to mark themselves as Christians without being obvious. (This is how you do it in emoticon speak: ><>. Can you see it???) They wore their religion on their sleeve. They had gall. But they weren't stupid. What hasn't changed that I want that kind of symbol again? Christians love each other. We want to find each other. We want to hang out (or fellowship). Of course we want a public way to declare to each other who we are. But we're also persecuted. People think we're wierd. (Awww... we're so persecuted... We get weird looks at the grocery store... so intimidating... how can we be public about our christianity in the face of THAT?? I mean, I know in other countries Christians are bold about their faith in the face of getting thrown in pits and their heads crushed by large stones, but still... I mean, I HATE it when people think I'm wierd... but THAT'S another post too). So we need to go underground in our fellowship. We need to be subtle.

3. What changed that we don't have that kind of symbol anymore? I'll tell you what changed: the church. In ancient Rome if you were a Christian, that was it. There was only one church. They didn't worry about whether the other Christians were Babtists, or Methodists, or Catholics, or Lutherans. They just knew that if the other people would say "Jesus is Lord" and that was good enough with them. It was party time then and there on the spot. But if we had a Christian symbol now, how would you define a "Christian"? Who would be allowed to wear it? Would we invite the Catholics? Or the Lutherans? I mean, THEY can go either way, right? We only want "legit" Christians to wear this, right?

I don't know. I don't have all the answers. Or very many, in fact. I think anyone, Catholic, Lutheran, Baptist, Evangelical, immersed, or sprinkled, anyone who has the boldness to wear their religion, their Savior, on their sleeve is "legit" enough for me. I'd want to meet that person. If they want to wear the "new" Christian symbol, let em'.

So what about you? What would be a good "secret" Christian symbol?

1 comment:

  1. Personally I still love the fish. The cross has been heavily distorted by non-Christians. Still love to wear my cross but I've noticed that most people such as customers at my work ask if I'm actually a Christian or just like the necklace. It is not a defining piece anymore. sad but true.
