Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Study Hard (Becoming a Nerd)

“This college will turn you into such a nerd.” Jon chuckled, while nodding sagely. Everyone in my life group chuckled nervously in response and looked at him with questioning looks.
“Like, when I got my text books I was like, “Yes! New text books!” He told us, trying to explain life at Christian college to a bunch of freshmen, who are really just high schoolers in disguise. We clearly just didn’t understand because he just threw his hands up, smiled, and said, “You’ll find out.”

Today was the first day of classes here at Ozark Christian College. Up til now it’s felt like 4th grade camp. Teary-eyed parents wondering if I’ll be ok. Crazy friends made and bonded with in 24 hours. Spiritual counselors (life group leaders). Cabin counselors (RAs). Running around playing crazy games, learning rules, and listening to bible lessons.

But today, on the first day of class, I’ve learned why it’s not camp. You have to work. Hard. Papers are long and frequent. Memorizing large sections of scripture is required. Reading is long and, sometimes, pretty dry.

But I love it. Even after the first day, I love it all. Everyone does. Not just nerds, or kids on fire for God, or wiz kids. Everyone is immersed in their homework. We can’t wait to study. We love our school. We’ve become nerds.

Probably because all of realize something. We’re all studying the Bible. So if there’s one thing in which to immerse yourself, one thing worth being nerdy about, one thing to study until it comes out your ears, it’s this. The Bible is beautiful. It’s true. It never changes. It’s meaningful. It’s the only text book on the planet with any meaning and truth to it. More so than science, music, or math.

So yeah. We’re nerds. We’re studying hard. We’re getting nothing short of A’s. We’re not going to procrastinate. We’re gonna study from noon to 9 most days. We’re gonna work ahead. We’re gonna over-achieve. It’s worth it.

This is school.

This is the Bible.

This is Christian College.

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